
Darkrp gmod printer rack dupe
Darkrp gmod printer rack dupe

darkrp gmod printer rack dupe

The entrence is where your base is determined good or bad. Gmod Darkrp Base Dupe Download Utorrent.You can find a tutorial on creating your own jobs here. Keep It Simple Stupid.This article contains a collection of pre-made DarkRP jobs for use with your Garry’s Mod server hosted with GGServers. I'd suggest slowing down the gunfights by lowering the damage of weapons. Gun shouldn't be a one shot kill, gunfights should feel fare and balanced, not a point and click adventure. Maybe cops could have a radio to talk to each other If someone murdered someone they'll get a timer, say 60 seconds, and in that time if they get arrested they'll get a 5min prison time and if they kill again the timer restarts and more time is added to the arrest counter and the prison timer. Say someone is prop blocking a path, instead of admins dealing with it, allow the cops to break it all down. code it so the keypad cant be any shorter then 5 seconds. like if darkrp was a stand alone game.Įx: 5sec min on keypad. How about a server with no rules, or as little as possible. I find it a lot more fun to try and make a living as a normal citizen/shopkeep, than as the 50th thief/gangster that's robbing everything in sight and shouting "RAID LOLOLOLOL" against all the shops. I also agree with the Yukisa's point about not having millions of criminal jobs. It always ruins the fun when, by a hour in, you already have enough money to basically buy everything you ever want, and never have to do anything ever again. This is especially seen on "(insert stupid amount of money) START!" servers, and those servers where you can get a metric shit-ton of money, so god damn quickly. I'd also think it'd be interesting to see money get a little more hard to acquire en masse. (think of S.W.A.T jobs, they always end up getting too specific, and there is usually no limit on them, so the entire police force ends up just being variations of S.W.A.T instead of actual normal officers.) Either you have far too many people playing them, or just never have enough people whatsoever. I'd personally like to see a Darkrp server without nearly hundreds of useless jobs, because, it always seems to be a coin flip with them.

Darkrp gmod printer rack dupe